Kun Praseno is a community development expert with 10 years of experience helping Indonesian communities adjust to climate change. He holds a Master’s degree in maritime studies from theUniversity of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia, and has received technical training at workshops in Indonesia and overseas. His work includes behavior change and improving livelihoods. An Indonesian national, Mr. Praseno lives in Jakarta Timur and is available to servein this assignment upon award. His native language is Bahasa Indonesian; he is fluent in English.
Expertise and experience. Mr. Praseno is the community-based management specialist for Phase II of COREMAP, for which he has worked in various capacities since 2005; he also worked on Phase I. With COREMAP, he fosters development of community groups to raise awareness and helps prepare for possible disasters by developing protocols and alarm systems. He facilitates village-level coral reef management plan development to protect reefs and mitigate the effects of climate change. This work includes land use planning to address degradation of shorelines due to climate change. He promotes BCC through creation of village information centers that provide materials to help community members understand the importance of marine ecosystems to the sustainability of their environment and livelihoods. Mr. Praseno founded the Destructive Fishing Watch Indonesia Foundation, which works to eliminate fishing practices that destroy coral reefs. He has supported household resilience through seed funding for microfinance projects in such alternative livelihoods as textile production and aquaculture. He has promoted sustainable fisheries and helped local fisherman understand the dangers of overfishing and the importance of keeping fish stock maintained. Mr. Praseno has also managed training and capacity-building for MMAF staff in community-based techniques, a role he will reprise for COREMAP capacitybuilding for IMACS. His successes at the local level have helped communities identify traditional practices that are relevant to coral reef protection and sustainable fishing.
Now, start from March 2011 he working with Indonesia Marine and Climate Support Project (IMACS)-USAID as a Community Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Advisor
Communication skills. Mr. Praseno has published often in his technical areas. He consistently provides clear leadership and communicates regularly with coworkers and international partners. Although he has experience in a variety of settings, the bulk of his work has been in community based awareness raising and behavior change communication.
Familiarity with the Indonesian political, social, and cultural context. Mr. Praseno has extensive experience in Indonesia, including work with local communities, NGOs, and in-country stakeholders and partners. He is deeply familiar with the political, cultural, and social context.